Sunday, March 18, 2007

teenage blogging

A survey of 1019 teenagers reported last week that only one in
10 of them wrote a diary compared with the 47 per cent who blog.
Could there have been, in the seven or eight years since the
arrival of the blog and online diary, a cultural shift of such a
size that the privacy of the bound diary is now regarded as some
quaint, predigital relic, as derisory to young people as some
Victorian ideas about modesty now appear to us?


Those of us from the generation of the book inevitably sneer at
and fear MySpace, where teenagers think nothing of recording their
late period alongside their favourite band.An article in The New York Times last month argued that young people today not only have a much less developed sense of shame than their parents but also live their lives in front of a kind of invisible audience. As ours is a surveillance society, they reason, why not seize control and display ourselves?

from Sydney Morning Herald.

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