Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Back to School

Back from Two weeks teaching the Intel Teach to the Future Course. A most rewarding time. Was great to meet and work with other professionals in the area of IT in Education.

Back to the real work now though. Teaching my classes. This term I am expected to get each child logged into the new SIBE system. (Secure internet, bowsing and email) What a labourious task. After recieving all user accounts, I need to distribute them and get users to log in, change passwords, and devise a secret question and answer.

Easy enough for stage 3 children (10 - 12 yr olds) but try it with early stage 1!!

Oh well.

Came across a fantastic ICT continuum today. Breaks ICT into 9 domains, each with 4 phases. Very useful planning tool. More on this when appropriate.

thats all for now

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Inverell is Cold

Am teaching a course at Inverell at the moment. -8 at nite. Brrrr.

I'm here taking a group of teachers through the Intel Teach to the Future course.